How do i get my resume to stand out?

Post was originally published in October 2020 and has been updated in October 2022

I've been hiring and mentoring Data professionals since 2012 and have reviewed 100s of resumes. 

I've seen virtually every type of resume out there, including: the one that included a name and a list of publications only, the two-page resume where first page listed every technical key word, and all the resumes that didn't include any technical skills. 

Every resume reviewer has things their own tips and pet peeves. Here's my advice for your industry resume.

Step 0: Understand Goals of Resume

Step 1: Draft Resume

Step 2: Improve Wording

Step 3: Customize

Step 4: Organize

Keep track of what you sent where and when. I use a private code repository with:

Step 5: Final Tips

Good luck! If your favorite resume advice is missing, please share it with me.

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